The program is totally self-paced, and you may come and go as many times as you like for 3 months after your purchase date, after which your validation code will no longer allow you access.
The course is broken up into 5 manageable and logical sessions.
Each session will require you to read some information to refresh your knowledge.
Each session is supported by a short video presentation.
At the end of each session there is a knowledge test so you can ascertain that you have retained the required knowledge.
Course Purpose
On successful completion of this course, you will have refreshed your knowledge and skills for working safely, using a Portable Appliance Tester (PAT), identify faults and required documentation, as required by standard AS/NZS 3760.
This is not a full Test and Tag course and can only be used as a refresher to an already completed Test and Tag course.
No certificate is issued for this course.
The program is totally self-paced, and you may come and go as many times as you like for 3 months after your purchase date, after which your validation code will no longer allow you access.
The program is totally self-paced, and you may come and go as many times as you like for 3 months after your purchase date, after which your validation code will no longer allow you access.
The program is totally self-paced, and you may come and go as many times as you like for 3 months after your purchase date, after which your validation code will no longer allow you access.
The program is totally self-paced, and you may come and go as many times as you like for 3 months after your purchase date, after which your validation code will no longer allow you access.
The program is totally self-paced, and you may come and go as many times as you like for 3 months after your purchase date, after which your validation code will no longer allow you access.
Please note that participants must finish doing the course within 30 days after purchasing the course.